Then Came the Morning…

I tried to sleep wondering when I would find a job, how would I support my family

Then came the morning…

My wife said she wanted a different life without me

I stirred all night considering the possibilities

Then came the morning…

I signed the papers forever putting us at odds with each other

I cried in jilted slumber

Then came the morning…

My children would hear the news that would forever impact their lives

I found sleep elusive and frustrating

Then came the morning…

I wandered through my existence looking for any justifiable means to continue

Nighttime presented a period when I needed to face the many demons that had taken up residence in my mind.  They never relinquished control and tormented an already confused thinking process.  I understand why children so fear the night and all the imaginary monsters, I’ve seen them and spent time wrestling them.  Those monsters don’t surrender to hope.  I hated when it began to get late in the evening for it meant the battle was brewing.  Peaceful sleep would never find me.

Oh, how I hated the thought of a rising sun.

I dreaded the thought of going to church the next day

Then came the morning…

I would meet a woman who would teach me to love and trust again

I allowed my mind to stir with dreams of tomorrow

Then came the morning…

She said yes! She wanted to be my wife

I held her close and smiled as we slept

Then came the morning…

The news of our daughter was a wonderful surprise

I rest knowing my life is complete and full

Then comes the morning…

I give thanks for a delightful family, full of love, forgiveness, and acceptance.

Looking back at the hand of heaven providing strength in weakness, today I see that same hand bringing comfort and clarity to everyday life.

Bring on the morning.