
I don’t know what this means but I certainly found this interesting.  During our recent unusual cold streak only two local churches (Episcopal and Presbyterian)  thought it important enough to open their buildings to aid those without heat and food.  All the evangelical churches simply felt this an unimportant consideration.  Maybe they were too busy planning their next pro-life and anti-gay demonstrations to notice the impact of the cold on those outside their doors.  Love is an action verb.  Talk is cheap.



So after repeatedly seeing this gentleman and many others of the same ilk protesting homosexuals on our town square, I’ve come to a decision on how I’ll personally handle them going forward. Mind you, they trouble me greatly. Each time they surface, instead of counter protesting with clever witty signs or debating their extremely limited understanding of scripture in general, I’m planning a different tact. I intend to give each protester a slip of paper with the following information. “Congratulations, today in your honor a donation has been made to a LGBT charity. Thank you for your efforts making the world a more accepting and kind place to live. God Bless.” Imagine if this caught on with the masses and these sign spouters soon realized their efforts were being severely countered by helping those they dislike. Seems like a more tranquil method of dealing with something so disgusting, ugly, and cruel. Let’s start a trend!


Forgive me if I don’t jump on the bandwagon supporting government’s effort to establish greater religious freedom for the poor oppressed faithful.  Even the simplest of minds will easily read through the verbiage and see this for what it is.  Pandering to the religious right to gain future political  support.

I feel for the poor oppressed extremist christians for their lack of freedom to shove their crap forcefully down the throat of every American.  I’m sorry everybody fails to jump in lockstep with their desires.

What this freedom of religion means is freedom to demand MY region gets preferential treatment while all others are shoved out of the public eye.

Freedom of religion also means freedom from religion.


I’m beyond fascinated by the unwavering allegiance fundamentalist christians have with the military and war.  Almost sacramental.

The new movie “Sniper” has continued this epic divide.

It seems mind-blowing how someone who was a professional killer is thought of as such a hero and role model for the church.  Whatever became of the message of peace found so clearly written in the good book?  Why are the true heros who stood against oppression and injustice never idolized or even valued?   Why does it seem that if you question the empire building efforts of our government you are instantly branded a pagan by the church.  How did the church so lose focus of its real mission.  Goodness gracious!

And the church wonders why people are leaving in waves of discontent from their steeples of disconnect.

Straw Man…

Could todays evangelical church thrive without the need for a bad guy or group who’s out to get us?  Seriously, can the literalists survive on just the love message alone?  I doubt it.

Please come.


If your pastor teaches the need to invite God into the presence of the service, remind him that he previously taught that God was omnipresent and the only reason God wouldn’t currently be present is because God purposely needed to get the heck out of your church before s/he blew a fuse.  Fire your pastor and enjoy God’s true presence.

Girl Scout Cookies

Girls Selling Cookies with Wagon

If your pastor says with a straight face from the pulpit to not buy Girl Scout Cookies from the cute little munchkins in green because it will support abortion and lesbianism, ask yourself a question…Do I really allow myself to take life advise from such an flaming dolt?  Get up immediately from your seat and fire your pastor.

Church Porn…


If your church is promoting the new “Left Behind” movie because of its “christian” importance, please know you’d be better off showing “The Omen” in the church basement if you want actual scriptural integrity. It’s really hard to imagine rejoicing over the prospect of many people suffering because they don’t act and believe exactly like you do.  But we all dream differently don’t we?  Some dream of peace while others dream of revenge.   Open your eyes and see church porn for what it is.  Fire your pastor and step outside and embrace life and all those who make up our wonderfully diverse world with love and acceptance.

Free Labor…


If the pastors wife gets paid a salary because she ministers around the church (shows up regularly and smiles a lot) yet the other staff members are encouraged to minister for free, the church has a problem, a big problem…fire your pastor.

Cool Country


If your pastor rants about the evils of secular music and the horrible influence it has on today’s youth, yet hops in his car and turns on Waylon, Willie, and Johnny, It’s time to fire the hypocrite.

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